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It is not uncommon for Aromatherapy to be confused with body massage using oils that have been pre-blended in a factory with some synthetic aromas. These are not essential oils but they do possess aromas which are similar to the essential oils. Some blends even contain some essential oils together with synthetic components. Any massage therapist can apply these blends to your body but unlike an Aromatherapist, they do not have to be trained and the therapeutic effects of natural essential oils are absent.


In an Aromatherapy treatment the body is treated in an holistic way and this means focussing on the client’s physical, emotional and mental aspects. An Aromatherapy treatment aims to treat the whole person.  While its starting point will be based on addressing diagnosed health conditions, aiming to improve the symptoms, it will not concentrate exclusively on these. It will also focus on the wellbeing of the person, seeking to improve the enjoyment of life based on self-responsibility of the client.


Aromatherapy uses the pharmacological and psycho therapeutic properties of the essential oils. The application of essential oils can be accomplished through body massage, in a bath, in a vaporiser or diffuser or in a topical application for specific conditions.


Following an initial health consultation, I will suggest a blend of oils based on their therapeutic properties and your specific individual needs. At each visit it is very likely that the selected oils will change depending on your specific physical and psychological needs on the day. So each treatment is bespoke to suit you in that moment and time and help you feel better.




Aromatheray Body Massage

One way to apply the therapeutic properties of the essential oils is through a whole body massage. As the oils are applied to your skin they will absorbed into your blood stream which means that their therapeutic properties will act in all your body. In addition to this, the smell of the oils through your respiratory system will positively affect your mental and spiritual state, making you feel deeply relaxed and feeling in tune with yourself. After a whole body massage, symptoms like pain in the back or lower back will ease or disappear.



Aromatherapy Back Massage

This type of treatment is similar to the whole body massage and it uses the same principals but it concentrates on your back and is suitable for people suffering with back pain due to life stresses or muscle injury. There are some essential oils that are very beneficial for this type of conditions.  In addition to relieving the back pain it will also help to make you feel more relaxed, able to focus on the important things and enjoy your life.






Aromatherapy during Pregnancy (from April 2016)

Aromatherapy massage during pregnancy can assist with relaxation, aches and pains; help you connect with your baby and improve circulation.  I will carry out a health consultation that will unable me to take into account any existing health condition and blend essential oils for your specific needs. I follow strict safety guidelines using oils that are safe during pregnancy. The treatment will be carry out in a peaceful and comfortable environment.


Aromatherapy is also very useful after your pregnancy since it helps you to relax and assist your body to return to its emotional and physical balance.


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