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The Practice


We would like to welcome you to Feet as a Fiddle where your personal wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do. Our aim is to enable your body to return to its own balance allowing you to lead a better life.



Feet as a Fiddle offers Aromatherapy and Reflexology treatments. These therapies allow you to achieve deep relaxation promoting improvement of your overall health and different health conditions.



We are committed to protecting your health, the environment and the one of our future generations. Hence we use only natural and recycled products. 



We are based in East London in Wanstead, London E11.

Meet Sofia Garavito (MSc, MFHT)


Sofia Garavito is a qualified Aromatherapist and Reflexologist. She studied both therapies at Morley College in London, England, UK. She is a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists* (FHT). 


Initially Sofia studied Reflexology because as a therapy it helps to improve existing health conditions by eliminating toxins and balancing and relaxing the body. While studying Reflexology she developed her interest in Aromatherapy which led her to becoming a fully qualified Aromatherapist.


Sofia worked in the International Development Sector for over 20 years where she was able to help people living in extreme poverty and isolation. In her last position she worked helping deaf children in Asia, Africa and Latin America.


Sofia set up her own practice ‘Feet as a Fiddle’ in Wanstead (North East London), with the objective of contributing to enhancing the wellbeing and health of people through the provision of bespoke aromatherapy and reflexology treatments.


Sofia’s personal life and working experience as a therapist has shown her how life stresses have an impact on the functioning of our bodies and her personal goal would be to make Aromatherapy and Reflexology accessible to everyone.


Sofia has post-graduate studies in Maternity Reflexology, Fertility Reflexology, Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD).








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